Why do they hate Modi? – Verbatim transcript of a conversation with an apolitical friend

‘So, why do they hate Modi so much?’


‘Who is they’?


‘You know, the media, the academia, assorted fat cats running institutions, writers way past-their-prime, self-professed intellectuals’.


‘Do you not see? It is a whole ecosystem nurtured by the Congress for so many years. These people know they have nothing to lose from criticizing the present establishment anyway, but everything to gain if this government goes! The gifts, the awards, freeloading plane trips, sarkari houses, free lunches at India International Center; all will resume only if the Congress is back to power. In fact, the BJP should learn a thing or two from the Congress on how to cultivate an ecosystem like this’.


‘What pisses me off is the personal hatred that they have for ONE man, Modi, colors their perception of the entire nation’.


‘You have to understand that for these guys, Modi is the outsider. He is not from the same incestuous English speaking elite class as they are. He does not have a degree from St. Xaviers or St. Stephens. He is more comfortable expressing himself in Indian languages, gasp, and he has risen from the ranks the hard way. He is definitely not one of ‘them’, and everyone hates an outsider who becomes powerful.’


‘So you think, the media would be less strident in his criticism if the govt. was led by say someone like Arun Jaitley?’


‘Of course. Jaitley knows how to curry favor with the media. Modi doesn’t really care. He has found a great way to speak to the people directly, through Man Ki Baat. He also cleverly uses every public platform at his disposal to speak directly with the people without having to use touts from the media fraternity. In fact, I think all the rabid hatred for Modi in the media is a desperate plea for attention from him. See how that poor Rajdeep Sardesai reacted to Dev Fadnavis’s letter. He was practically weeping with gratitude that Dev Fadnavis actually acknowledged him by replying to his letter’.


‘Hmm, that’s interesting’.


‘It is obvious. You have a dog, don’t you? You must have seen it stand on his hind legs, wagging its tail at you, desperate for the scraps of your attention. If you completely ignore him, what does he do? The dog barks, and then it growls, and then eventually, it will snarl.’


‘Well, MY dog won’t, but I get your point. Do you think Modi is on the right track?’


‘I think he is, for the large part. He is wisely ignoring this selective outrage and doing what he should be doing, encouraging foreign investment, creating more jobs, trying to make India a manufacturing hub, rather than just a call center capital, focusing on financial inclusion via the Jan Dhan Yojana, encouraging small entrepreneurs through the Mudra bank, focussing on cleanliness and hygiene… all good things. Even his key ministers are doing a great job. Suresh Prabhu is managing railways well, Parrikar as a defense minister is a good choice, Sushma Swaraj and Gen. V. K. Singh are doing a great job protecting the interests of Indian citizens abroad.’


‘So you are happy with the way things are going?’


‘In terms of work being done, yeah, largely, but I really think the BJP needs to reign in the loud mouth Maharajs and Sadhvis and focus on governance. There is no need for the government to get into areas like meat ban. Concentrate on providing economic opportunities to the people, building good roads, creating infrastructure, bringing in economic prosperity. Remember, a few forgotten writers and academicians protesting from their ivory towers do not help you win elections, ordinary people do. Make their lives better, and you have done your job well!’

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