#SelfieWithDaughter movement and the elite Krantikaris of India

So our beloved and esteemed activists ended up hating and criticizing a movement as positive and as harmless as #SelfieWithDaughter. The Main Stream Media wasn’t too excited either. While Modi made #SelfieWithDaughter the world wide top trending tag, Indian elites were busy tearing his “populism” left-right and centre.


Forget #SelfieWithDaughter movement, Indian elites will stop breathing if Modi says Breathing is good for them. They’ll starve their stupid selves to death if Modi promotes a nutrition program. And they’ll stop seeing, forget it…they see whatever they want to see anyway.


With this short “parody”, I have tried to gauge and foresee the reactions of our Krantikari brigade to every endeavour that Modi takes and every movement that he spearheads.






Read TFI’s report on Kavita Krishnan

















This is a work of satire and should not be confused with actual events

Activist Picture Credits: http://www.corporatecomplianceinsights.com
Narendra Modi Picture Credits: namopatrika.com

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