Tech Layoffs: As per reports 10,000 employees will be out from Google

After big companies like Meta, Amazon, Twitter, now Google is also preparing to fire its employees.

As per reports Alphabet is preparing to fire 10,000 employees. 

6 percent of Google's employees for allegedly performing poorly.

Managers can also use these rankings to prevent them from giving bonuses or stock grants.

A list of 10,000 employees made by the company. 

Alphabet has asked managers to categorize 10,000 low-performing employees through a new system.

However, Alphabet has not commented on this.

As per reports to see the performance of its employees Google has created a special performance rating system.

In the September quarter the company has earned a net profit of $ 13.9 billion.

The total number of employees in the company at present is 1,87,000. 

Read about cisco layoffs by swiping up.