TOP 10 life lessons to learn from Robin Sharma's 5 AM Club Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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Start Your Mornings With the 20/20/20 Formula: 20 minutes to exercise, 20 minutes to reflection, and 20 minutes to growth. 

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Structure Your Day for Success: The tasks recommended in the 5 AM Club don’t stop at the end of your “victory hour.”

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Stick with new habits:  Like any new habit, it will take some time for it to become second nature. 

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Avoid Distractions: It’s essential to keep your 5 a.m. hours technology- free to avoid being distracted by social media, or internet.

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You make a commitment, and you follow through on that commitment. 

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To lead is to serve: Using your life to help and uplift the people around you, are something that resonated with them.

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Be free from Digital Distraction and internet free life at least for some hours.

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Improve your mind set, purify your heart set, optimize your health set. 

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When you dream big, people make fun of you and laugh at you.

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The art of Growing: You must grow every day and strive to improve yourself every day.