TOP 10 lessons to learn from Man’s Search For Meaning Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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One who has a reason to live can tolerate almost any means: FIND Meaning of your life.

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Stepping out of our comfort zone will help us understand how we can really push our limits further.

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Have the courage to accept the things you cannot control.

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The way to achieve success is to stop thinking about it and dedicate yourself to a vision.

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The salvation of man is in love and in love: Love should make you the best version of you. 

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The only thing that cannot be taken away from you is your Attitude.

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There is meaning in suffering and there is no need to make ourselves suffer unnecessarily. 

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You can resist the influence of even the most toxic environment — your actions are your own.

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Human kindness can be found in the most surprising places.

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Laughing and having a sense of humor will change the way you look at life.