Meet The 10 Strangest Animals in the World! - Web story

Editor: Manish Jain

Image credits: Unsplash

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Satanic leaf tailed gecko is flattened as well as looking like a tail leaf of the satanic leaf-tailed gecko for its protection. 

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Red-Lipped Batfish is found in the Galapagos Islands. This fish cannot swim, so it walks on the sea floor.

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Okapi is a mixture of zebra and giraffe. It is found in Central Africa.

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Sea pigs are found at a depth of 1000 meters in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

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Indian Purple Frog live inside the earth throughout the year and spend only two weeks on the ground for intercourse.

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The Bush Viper snake is found in the tropical forests of Africa and does most of its hunting in the dark of night.

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Mantis Shrimps are found in tropical and sub-tropical waters. They stay hidden in their burrows most of the time.

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Pacus Fish is also called Ball Cutter. Its teeth are somewhat like humans and they do not miss biting their prey.

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Glaucus Atlanticus's stomach is full of gas due to which it appears to float on the surface of the lukewarm water of the sea. 

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The Panda Ants are found in Chile. Fibres present on their body are very sharp.