Elon Musk is preparing to implant Neuralink Chip in the brain of humans: Know what is this?

Elon Musk is preparing to implant a chip in the brain of humans, this is how the new technology will work.

Elon Musk, the world’s richest businessman and founder of Neuralink.

He wants to take artificial intelligence to a new level. 

Elon Musk claims that this chip will become a boon for the disabled, especially the blind and paralyzed.

The reasoning given behind this is that suppose a person is paralyzed who cannot even move his fingers. 

In such a situation, if this chip is installed in his brain, then with the help of this he can do typing, painting and even send email to you. For this, he will not even need to move. 

Musk claims that in the coming time, he will make this chip so advanced. 

That with its help blind people will be able to see and disabled people will be able to walk.

All claims were made by Elon Musk himself.