13 Best  UPSC Motivational quotes  and thoughts

You should be proud of the fact that you are preparing for the most difficult exam in the world.

Your confidence will be tested before taking the UPSC exam and you will also need to pass it.

The UPSC exam is not a test of your knowledge but of your faith.

You lose more because of your worries than because of reality.

By Worrying you can't pass the UPSC exam, you will pass only one way, which is to believe in yourself.

You have to control your own mind before controlling a city.

No matter how worried you may be, Whatever is written in fate will happen, so do your job.

Worry does not clear your UPSC exam, only perseverance is the key to success.

To Succeed IN UPSC, keep testing yourself and give yourself time.

With yoga and meditation you can achieve all the achievements in the world, UPSC too.

No matter how much you are tensed, remember your mother is waiting for an IAS at home.