TOP 10 lessons to learn from “48 laws of power” Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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Should Never Overtake the Master: Don’t go too far in showing off your talents or you may achieve the opposite – inspire fear and insecurity.

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Never trust friends too much: The problem with working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that need to be worked through.

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Hide Your Intentions: Keep people off balance and in the dark by never revealing the motive behind your action.

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Always Speak Less Than Necessary: There are times when it is unwise to remain silent, silence can breed suspicion and even insecurity. 

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Attention of the court at all costs: Don’t let yourself get lost in the crowd, or get buried in oblivion, stand out, be distinctive.

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Make others work for you: Use other people’s knowledge, wisdom and legacy to advance your own cause, not only will such assistance save you valuable time.

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Win by your Actions – Never by Logic: It is much more powerful to persuade others to agree with you through your actions.

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Transition: Avoid the sad and inauspicious Here it simply means being around people who are happy in their lives.

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Learn to make people depend on you: Robert says that the more you are trusted, the more freedom you will have.

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Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.