These are the best 10 habits and tips to get better sleep

By- Manish Jain

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Take care of sleep hygiene. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time each morning.

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Make sure your bedroom is quiet and comfortable. It should be dark and the temperature should not be too high or low.

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Avoid taking heavy meals before sleeping. Have dinner two to three hours before sleeping. 

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Do not consume caffeinated substances and alcohol before sleeping. 

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Minimize exposure to blue light before going to bed at night. Blue light can spoil the quality of your sleep. 

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Do some exercise regularly. Being physically active during the day may help you fall asleep more easily at night.

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Drink some herbal tea like chamomile tea or peppermint tea before sleeping. It helps in improving the quality of sleep. 

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Your bed, mattress and pillow can greatly affect sleep quality and joint or back pain. 

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Do not keep alarm clock in front of your eyes. This creates a tension and does not lead to good sleep.

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Don’t smoke before sleeping. Nicotine is a stimulant that can keep you from sleeping and make insomnia worse.